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Writer's picture: Ashley GregoryAshley Gregory

Updated: May 21, 2018

We are coming in to a busy time of year. Baseball, graduation, family vacations- summertime in general. I wait for the school year to be over so my kids can find rest from early mornings, homework, and "structure". And selfishly, so I can find rest from word rings, 4th grade math, and packing last minute lunches. But, somehow, we successfully replace that time with other things. By the end of most weeks I am ready to melt in to the couch. Working full time, mothering full time, and volunteer ministry most of the time leaves me with little gas in my tank. Can anyone relate? Does anyone else fell completely emptied by day 5 of the week?

I've been reading a book by Sam Nadler called "Messiah in the Feasts of Israel"- amazing so far! I usually have several books going at once- a some kind of fiction, a study book, and another for entertainment (I promise I'm talking about rest today!). After finishing a book on Jesus' parables, specifically discussing Jewish tradition and the cultural context applied to the parables as they would have been experienced by first-century listeners -my mind was blown! If you want a good study book, ask me about it- I'll be glad to share. Through that book, I wanted to know more about Judaism (after all, Jesus was Jewish). Nadler starts out by discussing the Sabbath. I had a general idea of Sabbath, and want it meant to "observe the Sabbath", but my knowledge was pretty immature and lacked depth. I am finding the principle of this observance especially helpful to me in this season of busy.

The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word "Shabbat"; the root word "yashav" means to "rest or sit down". God instituted the first Sabbath after His creation work found in Genesis 2:2 " ...on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that he had done". Exodus 20:6 reinforces Sabbath as an obligation to the Law "Six days shall you labor, and do all your work", and the seventh day would be a day of rest. I thought we weren't under the "old law" anymore? Did God finish all of His work and then rest on the seventh day simply because He was finished? Or could it be about something deeper than that?

Sabbath is about more than simply taking a break, sitting, or resting- it's about dwelling and abiding in God- it's a relationship with our Creator. While the old Law commanded it, God sent us Jesus to BE the Sabbath. Like God dwelled in His creation, looked out over it and acknowledged that it was good, so we are called to Shabbat, to dwell in God's goodness.

He has been so good to us!

God gave the world to Adam, including a partner because He should not be alone. He gave them all of creation, allowing them to dwell in His presence. He didn't have to, but desired to out of his perfect provision. Since the fall, we haven't been able to rest like we should. Because of sin, we are constantly toiling, hurting, searching. We are trying to fix, repair, and clean up our lives not allowing anytime for Shabbat. God desires a relationship with me, and with you. He desires that our rest would be in Him. Falling in to Him at the end of each day, breathing Him in and refreshing our souls with His peace that surpasses all.

The Sabbath isn't just a day off work, it's how we dwell as a part of God's creation, and how we relate to Him through the redemptive work that Jesus completed on the cross. We are God's creation, created in His image (Gen.1:26) to reflect Jesus to a broken world. The world won't know God without His people, and we were created not for ourselves, but to share in His grace and love. He sent Jesus as the assurance that we would find place our place in an eternity marked with rest; and in the meantime that we would honor Him with our time. God doesn't desire that we should carry the weight of life on our own, or stay so busy that we don't have time for Him. I don't think there is a greater lie that the world tells us than the one that starts like this "I don't have time to because....". Go ahead and fill in that blank. "I don't have time for church, there's too much to do at home"; "I don't have time for small group, we already have enough going on in the week"; "I don't have time to spend in prayer and scripture, I have endless laundry and sleep to catch up on"; "I don't have time to serve, I'm already stacked this week". Whatever the excuse, these are real ways we don't provide ourselves with the rest God commands. He commands us to rest in His word, in prayer, in the church. He wants for us to take the time to soak in worship, in the encouragement of other believers, and in the intimacy of life group. After a week of being emptied, we can find rest in Him..and not feel guilty! Did you catch that? We can rest without feeling like we haven't done enough, or earned the rest. It's too easy for me to push myself to do more, because in my mind rest is earned, not expected. God would have us see it the other way around- rest is expected to heal our souls. This life is exhausting, and He knows that- He knows everything you are going through, and feels your bones crying out for a break.

There will be a day that those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord are called home. We will get to spend eternity in heaven with our Creator. In the meantime, our life on this earth is short, and can either be marked with schedules void of Jesus, or by a life full of Him. Jesus Himself is our eternal rest and redemption. He is our hope that when we are weary, His shoulders will continue to carry our cross up Calvary. I don't know about anyone else, but my tired body needs the refreshment that God offers. I am weary after trying to earn my place, or do enough; God doesn't want that for me. He wants me to see that


I am called to rest in His goodness, and give thanks.

I remember at least two instances where I literally begged for God to give me a break. I cried out for rest from a place of helplessness and burden that I couldn't fix the situation. I didn't care how the rest came, either. It could come from Him ending the painful circumstance I was in, or it could come through death- I honestly didn't care at the time. Even in my pain, I knew that He could end it if he wanted to. I also knew, that He asks us to walk through things to see Him more clearly on the other side. If you are weary, and need rest, God has already provided rest for you through Jesus. He doesn't owe you or I anything else. One time, for all, He's given us a dwelling place in His house forever. Find time for Sabbath, abide in God's promises.

How are you relating to Jesus and setting time aside for Him? How are you resting in your season of busy?

"You are my shepherd guiding me,

You give me everything I need, oh, I know that you love me.

You lay me down in pastures green, you lead me by the quiet streams, oh, I know that you're with me.

Jesus you are good, and your love endures. In your presence I abide, in your shelter I'm secure.

Jesus you are good, and your mercy's new, every moment of my life, I will dwell in your house forever. Oh, in your house forever.

You restore my soul. My cup overflows. You restore my soul- Hallelujah!"

-Crossing Worship "Psalm 23"



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